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A text about Songs as Remedies

Music and homeopathy. It’s all energy, wave, vibration.

If you are grieving and feeling unable to cry or express, you may take Ignatia.

But the same energy is in a song like Last Kiss (see below). It, like homeopathy, is an energetic catalyst. If you are grieving and feeling unable to cry or express, you can also receive a remedy through a song.

Like cures like.

Finding what moves the medicine that’s already in you…that’s where the magic is.

I posted these slides on Instagram, and it was just too fun not to share here on the blog.

What would a song be if it were a homeopathic remedy? Here are eight songs and their remedies.

A text saying Just Can’t Get Enough
A text that says Hunger Strike
A text that says Can’t Stop the Feeling
A text that says Hurt
A text that says on the Road Again
A text that says Last Kiss
A text that says Tubthumping
A text that says Devil Inside

Stay tuned…I think there may have to be a Volume 2!