Insights • Connection • Inspiration

Revolutionary Healing Part 5: Self-Expression

Reading Time: 13 minutes

I’m still learning how to embody the magic and medicine of self-expression after years of actively healing my body, mind, heart, and spirit through expressive practices.

My therapist highlighted this recently when I shared a letter with her that I’d written in my journal. I’d intended to feel and express my anger through this writing; however, after three tries (including two invitation from her to try again), she helped me see how I’d intellectualized the emotion every single time.

I quite easily thought and wrote ABOUT my anger, but I didn’t actually FEEL or EXPRESS it.

Suppression of Self

Anger is one of the four core […]

Revolutionary Healing Part 4: Self-Awareness

Reading Time: 12 minutes

My husband coaches our son’s travel baseball team. It’s a group of seven and eight-year-old boys who are like little magnets on the field, moving toward and away from the baseball depending on their focus.

He had a chat with the team recently about the difference between tunnel vision and awareness, and when he shared this conversation with me, I couldn’t help but see the parallel with my work.

He noticed how the kids get laser focused on one aspect of the game—the batter, the ball, their own position—with little awareness about what’s happening elsewhere on the field. This tunnel vision, of course, blinds them and prevents them […]

Revolutionary Healing Part 3: The Power of Partnership

Reading Time: 12 minutes

In the early stages of my healing, I oriented myself toward fixing my dis-ease and toward the belief that I was not OK. So I scurried from one practitioner or doctor to another, certain that one of them would confirm my belief with a diagnosis and fix what (I thought) broke in me. Many did offer me a plan or a protocol, and for a time I thought that if I ate their diet, took their supplements, followed their steps, or bought their program, I’d be well.

This is what I unconsciously sought then—someone to do the heavy lifting for me, to give me an […]

Revolutionary Healing Part 2: What Do You Believe?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

For much of my early life I resisted feeling my feelings. Instead, I distracted myself from them and focused on what I believed needed fixing in me. By the time I entered graduate school it had been years since anorexia wasted my flesh. But I still had a contentious relationship with my body, so my “fixing” at the time held the tune of an eating disorder but the volume was turned down to a loud whisper. It didn’t show on the outside—I looked perfectly well—but my thoughts and behavior patterns revealed a more subtle truth, one that I wasn’t aware of at the time:

A […]

Revolutionary Healing Part 1: Curing or Healing?

Reading Time: 10 minutes

I began this Curing or Healing post one sleepless night a few blurry weeks ago, tugged by the swell of activation energy in my physical and emotional body. After much editing, I’m sharing what was my stream-of-consciousness-style writing in a series of posts that expand on an earlier blog about revolutionary healing. Ultimately this series stems from my lived experience healing myself and catalyzing healing for and with others. It is a beginning attempt at pulling it all together for you. No two healing stories are the same, and as such, there is no definitive “how-to” for healing. This, rather, is a framework, with boundaries […]

Three Experiments for Catalyzing Self-Trust

Reading Time: 12 minutes

I Don’t Know…

These three words are powerful. I hear them often in my conversations with womxn, and I’ve thought, spoken, even screamed them many times, too. I’ve noticed that feeling disconnected from our knowing is a theme for womxn and that it often stems from self-doubt. Feeling resourced and connected to our knowing stems from self-trust. It’s clear to me after decades of healing, both experienced and observed, that catalyzing self-trust is one of the foundational elements in revolutionary healing.


I remember struggling with decisions—big and small—in my youth: Should I buy the shirt, take the class, break up with […]

Womxn to Know: My Sisters in Healing

Reading Time: 8 minutes

There are so many ways to introduce this blog post, so many things to say about WHY this post is important. I’ll keep it short and simple, though, so that you can invest your time in getting to know these womxn—my sisters in healing—who I’m inspired by right now.

My inner fire ignites when I’m connecting with womxn who are committed to authenticity, growth, and healing. I know that, while my healing begins within me, it expands in relationship with others. We need each other on our healing journeys. One of the magical things about these healing connections is that they are rarely one-way. Whether we’re seeking support or offering it, […]

Alchemizing Healing with Our Symptoms

Reading Time: 14 minutes

The conversations I have with women—clients, friends, and healers—illuminate the commonalities we share in our healing processes. If you’re a return reader you know I share my personal process at times, a process which I know has no end. I will always be healing, evolving, transforming. This is true for anyone on a healing path. It’s one of a handful of universal healing principles I’m realizing through my process and my work.

Recently some uncomfortable (and old) symptoms returned to my body and reminded me of this truth once again. I am always in process. A conversation with my homeopath about these symptoms […]

On All-or-Nothing Thinking

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Do the words in this picture resonate for you?

They resonate for a younger version of me. And, they still resonate for me sometimes, although to a lesser degree and in different ways than when I was younger.

The holidays often bring up all-or-nothing thinking and doing for folks, especially around health—food, exercise, and alcohol are at the center of holiday festivities, whether we’re together or alone together in a pandemic.

All-or-nothing thinking and doing can arise from many parts of ourselves and our lives. Here I briefly outline possible origins of all-or-nothing thinking and […]

When You’re Climbing the Walls: Cultivating Flow in the Nervous System

Reading Time: 13 minutes

I posted this photo on Instagram recently and wondered if any of you, like me and my kitty, are climbing the walls? For me, climbing the walls is another way to say that my body and my mind are feeling the effects of stored stress physiology. It’s as if my body has one foot on the gas pedal (fight or flight) and one foot on the breaks (freeze), and it leaves me feeling both activated and exhausted, electric and burned out. I’m acutely aware how this space and this time are challenging my nervous system in new and profound ways AND giving me the opportunity to […]